Home Education
Choosing to Begin a Home Education
Choosing Home Education
Choosing to begin a Home Education Program
Home education is an option for a growing number of parents. Some parents prepare their own materials and design their own programs of study, while others use materials produced by companies specializing in homeschool materials. Some take advantage of virtual school programs or other educational resources available on the Internet. Of course, exercising this option may require major changes in your family schedule. Teaching your children at home is an ambitious undertaking, requiring time, planning, creativity, and commitment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions for Home Education
Annual Evaluation Options
There are five options in order to complete the annual evaluation requirement for Home Education:
1. A Florida certified teacher chosen by the parent may evaluate the child's progress based on the review of the portfolio and a discussion with the student;
2. The student may take any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher;
3. A student may take a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district;
4. Student may be evaluated by a psychologist holding a valid, active license pusuant to the provisions of s. 490.003(7) or (8), F.S.; or
5. A student may be evaluauted by any other valid measurement tool and as mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent of the district in which the student resides and the student's parent.
* Only teachers certified in core academic areas may evaluate student sin Home Education based on 1003.001, paragraph 14.