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On March 4, 2024, FSBA conducted a forum with current OSCB staff on what qualities they would like to see in the next superintendent.  Below is a summary of the respones.
Ken Kenworthy 

As I reflect on the last 35 years of my career spent with Okeechobee County Schools, I am filled with
excitement on how far we have come as a district, the positive experiences and memories made, challenges
we have overcome and this district’s unwavering commitment to the community we serve.
As superintendent I have witnessed unparalleled community support of our system, instructional programs
flourish, new employees develop into master teachers, and students accomplish their dreams. Making a district
run with so many varied responsibilities can only be accomplished by dedicated servants.
Our staff is what makes us great! It has been a pleasure to watch so many employees on a daily basis make
this system operate serving students, traveling over a million miles on buses, educating over 6,400 students,
feeding hundreds of thousands of meals, to offering countless fine arts, athletic, and career programs. I am
thankful for the team we have built.

I am the most proud, that during my superintendency, we have built career and technical programs that are
state models, we received district-wide accreditation for the first time, and we endured COVID and all of its
accompanying challenges. We have a very healthy financial condition, robust strategic plan that will lead us to
being an “A” district, construction of a new high school underway, and a staff capable of continuing this great
work. I am grateful for a School Board that puts students first, a community that rallies around our students and
students that are accomplishing great things while in school and after they graduate.

Along this journey I have met thousands of students and parents that only want what is best for their students
and I have strived to make being a member of our team or alumni a good experience. I owe my gratitude for a
thriving career to my family, Board, community, staff and students. It has been a distinct pleasure to serve as
your superintendent and hope the best is yet to come for Okeechobee County Schools.